LEARNIG OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand what cognitive distortions are. 2. Learn to see cognitive distortions in yourself and others.

16. Бонусный урок. Открытая часть. Когнитивные искажения.

Hello, guys!

My name is Andrei Shcheglov and this is one of the bonus lessons which directly relates to the topic 5. Critical thinking.

We will discuss what cognitive distortions are and why they are common to almost all of us. The short definition is that they are misleading things our minds use to convince us of something that isn't really there and that isn't really true. By learning to recognise these distortions that prevent us from thinking more rationally and in a balanced way.

In any case, illogical, preconceived beliefs or inferences distort our perception of reality. And in this distorted perception of reality, we continue to make mistakes and make them systematically.

Список когнитивных искажений и группы на которые они делятся (на основе https://positivepsychology.com/cognitive-distortions/

When remembering and recalling:

When we react quickly:

When we are missing the point:

When there is a lot of information:

In a group session in the classroom - we will discuss with the group and give examples of each group of cognitive distortions.


<aside> 📰 Articles:


15 Common Cognitive Distortions - Mind My Peelings

Cognitive Distortions: 22 Examples & Worksheets (& PDF)

Workbook. Cognitive distortions.