LEARNIG OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand the importance of taking care of your body. 2. Learn how to exercise properly without injury.

3.Урок.Открытая часть. Спорт. Твоё тело - источник твоей силы.

«One must keep the body strong to keep the spirit strong»

Victor Hugo

Hello, guys!

My name is Andrei Shcheglov, and we continue to talk about the "batteries" that power us. In previous lessons, we talked about food consciousness, water and air, and the importance of sleeping well. Today we are going to talk about sports and exercise.

Everything we have - everything we can feel, perceive, and do - we have because of our body. And the exercise of the body needs to be taken as well as the exercise of the mind. We can use our full potential only when our body is healthy and full of energy. Just imagine the latest iPhone with a small battery that lasts 40 minutes. All the apps on it, the high-quality camera, everything you use on your phone - everything becomes useless. The second example is a large and powerful jeep with a small petrol tank. Yes, this car can go off-road and cross a river, but if it stops after a few dozen kilometers - all these opportunities will be useless. It is the same with your body - by not exercising it, we deprive ourselves of the energy and capabilities we need every day. On the contrary, by getting into the habit of regular exercise and consciously increasing the difficulty (by learning new movements or engaging in a new sport) and dosing up the load, we increase the "capacity of our internal battery" and spend our days full and vibrant.

It is important to exercise your body properly - combine strength training for different muscle groups, aerobic exercise, stretching, swimming, etc. I personally often use the Nike Training app.




«A healthy body makes a healthy spirit.» (lat. «Mens sana in corpore sano»)

The body's energy.

Awareness of movements. You exercise every time you move in the field of gravity—walking, sitting down and standing up, lifting and carrying groceries, climbing stairs, cleaning the house, and gardening. You are exercising as long as you are using your limbs, working your muscles (including your heart), and breathing deeply. You develop an energizing lifestyle by taking the stairs instead of the escalator and parking your car a little farther from the store. What counts is not only what you do for an hour at the gym but how much you have moved by the end of each day, the end of each week.

Dan Millman


Sports also provide some exercise, but competitive games are designed to release tension—to provide enjoyment, recreation, and skill development—not necessarily to provide balanced fitness training. In fact, most sports provide only limited and random fitness benefits. Conscious exercise, in contrast, is designed specifically to improve the overall balance and development of the body. Conscious exercise: • develops a balance of all four S's of physical talent. • combines movement, mind, and breath. • makes ease and relaxation a priority. • energizes rather than fatigues. • involves an awareness of breathing patterns. • creates symmetry (balances both sides of the body). • includes specific elements of deliberate tension followed by relaxation (in order to release chronic tension). Different forms of conscious exercise include hatha yoga, certain martial arts, Arica Psychocalisthenics, schools of noncompetitive gymnastics, trampoline, aerobics, dance, and the Peaceful Warrior Workout presented at the end of this chapter. Done regularly and in moderation, conscious exercise can balance, rejuvenate, and energize your life.

Dan Millman


<aside> 📌 Tools:


Nike Training Club App. Home Workouts & More.