LEARNIG OBJECTIVES: 1. Learn to distinguish between your real and imaginary desires. 2. To understand why a diary is necessary.

Then you shall judge yourself," answered the king. "That is the most difficult thing of all. It is far more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then indeed you are very wise

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Self-improvement is essential to man because he can never if he is truly honest, is satisfied with himself.

Leo Tolstoy

I see myself as in a mirror. But this mirror flatters me.

Alexander Pushkin

*Joy is part of a process. You should do something because you enJOY doing it–not for what you think you can get after the fact.

You are going to make mistakes–own them.*

Matthew **McConaughey

So! Here we go! Hello, guys!

My name is Andrei Shcheglov and now we will talk about how to observe yourself, and what this will give you, and we will look at two tools for self-analysis - the "glass" and the diary.

The most important thing in self-observation is to recognize one's true desires and external, imported desires, imposed on us by society, friends, loved ones, movies, social media, trends, etc. To do this, you have to be able to "self-diagnose" and ask yourself questions every day. And the most important of these questions is, "What am I living for?”

Our emotions and feelings are a good indicator that we are following some false goals. If we feel unhappy inside, bored, sad, and distracted day by day, it's a true sign that we're doing something wrong.

Questions you should ask yourself every day: