LEARNIG OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand that air, water and food can be harmful to health. 2. Learn to pay attention to what you breathe, what water you drink and what you eat.

Hello, guys!

My name is Andrei Shcheglov, and today we open the "Plato's School" course. In this class, I will tell you about the things that are barely touched on at school or in college but which directly affect our lives. I wish someone had told me about many things and tools from this course much, much earlier. That's why I'm pushing right now - for many of you at the beginning of the life journey - to give you the practical tools that will guide you in any life circumstances and help you stay on track and live a conscious and fulfilling life.

We'll begin with the things I've called " Foundations or basics," which are air, water, and food.

As the experts on survival in extreme situations say, there is a "Rule of Three" which says that you can live three weeks without food, three days without water, and three minutes without air... So, let's start with air.


Image from https://www.yaklass.ru/p/okruzhayushchij-mir/3-klass/priroda-vokrug-nas-324086/sostav-svoistva-i-okhrana-vozdukha-324090/re-510115c5-aaa2-4e74-b621-6b8b6f1ee30d

Image from https://www.yaklass.ru/p/okruzhayushchij-mir/3-klass/priroda-vokrug-nas-324086/sostav-svoistva-i-okhrana-vozdukha-324090/re-510115c5-aaa2-4e74-b621-6b8b6f1ee30d

We breathe air so naturally that we don't even notice it, while the air's quality directly impacts our lives. Think of the air in the countryside, in the countryside, in the forest, by the sea or the ocean, in a mountain valley. For such places, they say: "You can actually eat the air with a spoon"! And it's no accident, being in the countryside or outside the big city - we feel much better, feel more energized, and sleep better. Many people admit that in the countryside, we sleep only for 5-6 hours and wake up fresh and well-rested, while returning to the megapolis they can not wake up and feel tired and depressed, even if they slept for 8-9 hours. We are constantly surrounded by exhaust fumes, manufacturing plants, plastic, and garbage in the cities. And this is obviously not a natural environment for humans. So even if you live in a big city - try to pay attention to what you breathe - spend more time in parks, buy plants and flowers in pots, and keep them at home. When choosing a place to live - pay attention to the area: the presence of garbage dumps and factories nearby, the wind rose. If you can choose a floor - consider the floors above the 5th - the air there is often cleaner than on the first floors.

<aside> 📎 Courses.


https://climatekids.nasa.gov/10-things-air/#:~:text=Air is important for living things.&text=Breathing is part of a,%2C grow%2C and live life!

<aside> 📰 Articles:


Why is AIR important? | airbreath® OXYGEN

<aside> 🎬 Video:


Importance of Air

Workbook. Air.



Image from*: https://style.rbc.ru/beauty/5b19296d9a79474e2002814b*

Moving on to the topic of the importance of the water we drink, let me mention that we are all 50-65% water. We also need water to transport oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream and to digest food. It also keeps our body temperature stable and protects our vital organs.